
Responding to Extreme Heat: HUD Offers Help to PHAs

July 22, 2024    
Notice offers multiple strategies PHAs can take to protect residents.     In recent weeks, many parts of the country have been experiencing extreme temperatures. And above-average summer heat is expected to increase in frequency and duration for the remainder of July into early August. In...

NSPIRE Compliance Date for Voucher Programs Delayed Again

July 22, 2024    
PHAs persuaded HUD to give them more time.     On July 5, HUD released a notice extending the compliance date for HUD’s National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) final rule for a number of HUD programs until Oct. 1, 2025. This notice is the second...
Screening Applicants

Michigan Owner Settles HUD's VAWA Discrimination Complaint

July 22, 2024    
And agrees to a financial payment and training.     A recent conciliation agreement between HUD and a Michigan housing provider shows that HUD continues to monitor compliance with the Violence Against Women Act.
In the News

State of the Nation’s Housing: Rents, Cost Burdens Remain High

July 22, 2024    
Rents continue to rise far faster than wages.   The Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University recently released the latest version of its annual report, The State of the Nation’s Housing 2024. The report finds that housing costs continue to rise for both the for-sale and the...
In the News

Housing Coalition Calls on Lawmakers to Address Rising Insurance Costs

July 22, 2024    
Annual premium increases for affordable housing sites are ranging from 30% to 100%.   A broad coalition of groups representing America’s housing providers, lenders, and residents recently sent members of Congress and the Biden administration a letter outlining a number of bipartisan...

How HOTMA Affects Number of Site-Assigned Project-Based Vouchers

June 17, 2024    
HUD issues HOTMA final rule for voucher programs.     HUD recently published a new HOTMA final rule implementing a number of changes made by the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) to the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and the project-based voucher (PBV) programs....

Best Practices to Avoid Discrimination When Using AI-Based Digital Ads

June 17, 2024    
Three kinds of AI ad tools can get you into trouble when applied to housing.     Savvy use of digital media for marketing purposes can be a useful tool for owners, but it can also get them into fair housing trouble. The same artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithmic...

HUD to Propose Changes to HOME Program Regulations

June 17, 2024    
We review the proposed expansion of tenant rights and protections.     The Office of Affordable Housing Programs (OAHP) in HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) recently announced a preview version of proposed changes to the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME)...
In the News

Senator Warren Reintroduces Public Housing Restoration Bill

June 17, 2024    
Existing public housing stock faces a $70 billion backlog of repairs.    

How to Avoid Discrimination When Using AI in Tenant Screening

May 14, 2024    
HUD warns against artificial intelligence-based housing discrimination.     The use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the multifamily industry has been raising red flags. As an increasing number of tenant screening companies claim to use AI to detect “higher-risk...