Dealing with Residents Whose Units Are Unsafe, Unclean, or Need Repair

Many owners and managers of assisted sites use leases that give them the right to conduct periodic inspections of units to discover unsafe and unsanitary conditions and unreported maintenance problems. Early detection of these and similar situations can help prevent problems, such as insect and rodent infestations, offensive odors, major repair jobs, and flooding.

If, upon inspection, your staff discovers an unsafe or unsanitary condition, it's important that you immediately inform the resident that the problem must be addressed. If your staff discovers an unreported maintenance problem, it's crucial that you send your maintenance staff to repair the problem right away—and that you remind the resident of his duty to report such problems. Otherwise, the resident is likely to continue neglecting the unit, and the costs of repairing the unit—and evicting the resident—are likely to rise.

Click here for model letters you can adapt and send to a resident whose unit has an unsafe or unsanitary condition or an unreported maintenance problem that must be repaired.

