Management Tip: Informing Residents of Problems with Unit Condition

HUD's model lease clears the way for site owners and managers to access residents' units “for the purpose of making reasonable repairs and periodic inspections.” Doing so can help uncover unsafe or unsanitary conditions and unreported maintenance problems. Dealt with early, these conditions can help prevent more serious problems later, such as insect or rodent infestations, flooding, and major repairs.

Many managers conduct annual inspections of all units at their sites. In some cases, they do these regular inspections because the local HUD office or their contract administrator requires them. Some managers do regular inspections because they find them to be a good way to catch and prevent problems. You may have some unit inspections coming up this summer. If your inspections reveal a problem with a resident's unit, you should take prompt action to inform the resident about his responsibility for correcting the problem. To help you communicate to the resident what must happen to resolve an unsafe or unsanitary condition or unreported maintenance issue, click here for model letters you can adapt and use.

