Instructions for Authors

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Ear, Nose & Throat Journal publishes original articles on the clinical practice and basic science of otolaryngology–head and neck surgery. Authors may submit case reports, reviews, and original research, as well as brief papers suitable for one of the regularly published ENT Clinics, guest editorials, or letters to the editor.

Editorial policies

1. All manuscripts must be submitted via the Editorial Manager online submission and peer-review system at:
ENT Journal can no longer accept hard-copy manuscripts or those sent via e-mail. Authors must first register to use the site; there is no charge. A useful tutorial for authors can be found at:
2. Manuscripts will be critically reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief with members of the Editorial Board and other expert sources. Revision may be required for acceptance.

3. A manuscript is reviewed with the understanding that it is not under consideration by any other publication, either in print or electronic media, and that no part of the submission has appeared previously in any but abstract form.

4. Duplicate submission and redundant publication are unethical practices and are therefore prohibited. Duplicate submission refers to submitting a manuscript simultaneously to two or more journals, without notifying the Editor-in-Chief of each journal. Redundant publication refers to the publication of a paper that substantially overlaps one already published in print or electronic media, in any country. The overlap may involve data derived from studies/case reports, and/or other portions of text.
“Salami slicing,”publishing portions of data from the same study in multiple journals, commonly constitutes duplicate publication.
It is the responsibility of the senior or corresponding author to vet all manuscript data for completeness, validity, and originality before submission. If an author has any questions regarding the interpretation of duplicate or redundant publication, it is his or her responsibility to bring that question to the attention of the Editor-in-Chief before submitting the manuscript, in care of his assistant at

5. Transfer of copyright ownership to Ear, Nose & Throat Journal and its owner, Vendome Group, LLC, and the disclosure of any financial relationship of the author(s) with companies that manufacture and/or distribute a product or products mentioned in the manuscript are conditions of publication (see section below, “Copyright Agreement and Financial Disclosure”).

6. Manuscripts should beneatly prepared and written in correct English. Any mention of previously published reports or studies, and data derived from them, must be referenced.A search of the literature should not exclude sources published before 1966 (pre-MEDLINE) if they are pertinent to the current manuscript.

7. Corresponding authors are responsible to notify the editors of ENT Journal if their address or other contact information changes, by updating their profile on the Editorial Manager Web site.

8. Protect patients’ privacy by referring to them by number only (e.g.,Patient 1,Patient 2).Names or initials must not be used in text,tables,or figures/figure legends. Photographs that show enough of a patient’s face to be recognizable must be accompanied by a signed consent form from the patient (or, if the patient is a minor, a parent or guardian), giving permission to publish the photograph(s). Signed forms may be scanned and uploaded with the other manuscript files or faxed to (215) 735-2725 (be sure to include the manuscript title and first author’s name on the form). CT and MRI scans, x-rays, and other clinical images should not show the patient’s name.

9. Only those who have made a substantial contribution to the manuscript (i.e.,its conception,drafting,data analysis, major revisions) should be listed as authors. Recognition for other contributions (e.g.,funding,data collection,researchgroupsupervision,etc.)maybegiven in a brief “Acknowledgments” paragraph.

10. Written permission must be obtained to reproduce any figures or tables that have been published previously, whether in print or electronically. This must be submitted with the manuscript.

Manuscript format

Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced with ample margins, using Microsoft Word or Word Perfect software. Number pages consecutively and put the first or corresponding author’s last name in the upper-right corner. If you have used MS Word’s “Track Changes” tool in the preparation of your manuscript,please make sure all changes in the document have been accepted and that Track Changes is turned off.

Title page. Below the title of the paper list the first name,middle initial or name (if desired),and last name (in that order) of each author. Important note: Because of the diverse naming customs used internationally, if an author has three or more names, indicate which is the first, middle, and last name (surname). Each author’s highest academic degree should follow his/her name.

Below the authors’ names, include a paragraph listing their affiliations (department or division name, institution name, city, state and, if outside the United States, country). Next include a paragraph with the correspondingauthor’sname,postaladdress,phoneandfax numbers, and e-mail address. Finally, when applicable, indicate all sources of financial support or funding and, if the paper was presented at a meeting, the name of the society, location of the meeting, and date.

Main body of manuscript. Use one of the following outlines for the main text:

* Case reports. These should include the following subheads/sections: Abstract,Introduction,Case report, Discussion, and References.
* Studies/research reports: These should include the following subheads/sections: Abstract, Introduction, Patients and Methods, Results, Discussion, and References.
* ENT Clinics—Otoscopic, Rhinoscopic, Laryngoscopic, Auditory and Vestibular Medicine, Imaging, Pathology, Head and Neck, Facial Plastic Surgery, and Pediatric Otolaryngology Clinics do not require subheads,as they are intended to be brief case reports with a brief introduction and minimal discussion.They should include one or two high-quality photographs showing key features of the case and its diagnosis and treatment. Occasionally more figures are needed to illustrate a surgical case, but the combined text and photos generally should not exceed 1 to1.5 printed pages.

References. The author is responsible for their accuracy. Use Index Medicus journal abbreviations, and refer to the American Medical Association Manual of Style for correct reference style. References should be double-spaced and input as regular text, not as footnotes or endnotes. They should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited. Please number them manually (i.e.,do not use automatic numbering).References should not include hyperlinks.

Tables. If there are more than one, number them consecutively in the order in which they are mentioned. Type double-spaced and provide a title for each table. Limit their size to no more than one printed page, and use them only when they contain additional information not in the text or to summarize data from the text. Make certain that data in tables are consistent with data discussed in the main text.

Figures. Images should be saved as high-resolution TIFF or EPS files. The preferred resolution is 600 dpi (minimum 300 dpi), with an image size of 3 to 5 inches wide. Do not submit thumbnail images, as enlarging them will reduce the resolution below the acceptable minimum.Colorfiguresareencouraged;authorswillnot be charged for color. The number of figures should be in proportion to the amount of text they accompany.

Figure legends.Provide a typed,double-spaced legend for each figure,and number figures in the order inwhich they are mentioned. Legends should be written in completesentences,inpresenttense.Forphotomicrographic material, indicate the stain used, if any, and the original magnification, or use an internal scale marker.
Copyright agreement/financial disclosure

Every author whose name appears on a manuscript must sign a Copyright Agreement /Financial Disclosure form when the manuscript is submitted, or the manuscript will not be considered complete and cannot be reviewed. Click here to download and print the form, fill it out completely (except for the manuscript number), scan it, and upload it to the Editorial Manager Web site ( with your manuscript’s text and figure files.If you do not have access to a scanner, you may print and fill out the form, then fax it to (215) 735-2725. Be sure to fill in the article title and first author’s name so that when the fax is received, it will be clear to which manuscript it belongs.